Peaky Blinders Drehort-Tour in Liverpool

Erleben Sie die Abenteuer der Shelby-Familie auf der Peaky Blinders Drehort-Tour in Liverpool. Besuchen Sie die beliebtesten Drehorte der TV-Serie während dieser halbtägigen Tour.

Obwohl die Serie in Birmingham spielt, wurde ein Großteil der Dreharbeiten zu Peaky Blinders weiter nördlich in Liverpool gedreht. Die historische Architektur rund um die Stadt macht es zu einem perfekten Ort, um eine Fernsehserie aus dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert zu filmen. Auf dieser Tour haben Sie die Möglichkeit, viele der berühmtesten Orte zu besuchen, die Sie auf dem Bildschirm erkennen.

Ab 48 pro Person


  • Schießen Sie ein Foto vor dem Haus von Polly und sehen Sie, wo Tommy von Pater Hughes Handlangern fast zu Tode geprügelt wurde
  • Sehen Sie sich die Residenz von Feldmarschall Russell an, die das Ziel einer Briefbombe der Shelby's war
  • Wir halten für eine Panoramaaufnahme von Liverpool von der anderen Seite des Flusses Mersey an
  • Besuchen Sie das Terminal, an dem die Changrettas im Staffel 3 versucht haben, nach Amerika zu fliehen



Peaky Blinders Liverpool Tour / Polly's House
Peaky Blinders Liverpool Tour / Polly’s House

Let your expert guide lead you through the criminal underbelly of post-World War One Britain.

You’ll get to visit Powis Street, a central location that appears regularly on the TV show. This is the setting of Watery Lane, the address of the Shelbys‘ home, headquarters and betting office. Most notably, Cillian Murphy’s Tommy Shelby rode a horse down this street in the very first episode. And, as an extra bit of local trivia, The Beatles‘ Ringo Starr was also born on an adjoining street!

Another Shelby residence on this tour is Aunt Polly’s Sutton Coldfield House. It is situated in the Port Sunlight model village, built in the late 1800s. But while this may be a model village, these scenes filmed here don’t always portray model behaviour. After all, it’s in this area that Tommy is nearly beaten to death by Father Hughes’ henchmen.

Peaky Blinders Liverpool Tour / Following Father Hughes
Peaky Blinders Liverpool Tour / Following Father Hughes

There’s even a bit of London on this tour!

Ellesmere Port is an industrial-era town along the Mersey River. It still maintains a large industrial purpose as a base for an oil refinery, a chemical works, and even a car factory. For the purposes of Peaky Blinders though, it was a unique backdrop that was used to represent London’s Camden Town. Tommy travels here to form a partnership with Alfie Solomons at his bakery/illegal alcohol business.

Staying with the waterside locations, you will also visit the Seacombe Ferry Terminal. In a last ditch effort to escape the Shelbys, Vincente and Audrey Changretta tried to board a boat to America here. Unfortunately, only one of them lived to make the journey.

The Peaky Blinders Drehort-Tour in Liverpool lets you explore these and many other filming locations from around the city. Your guide will also delve into the real-life history of the Peaky Blinders, and the sites around Liverpool. And to top it all off, at the end of the day you’ll have the chance to enjoy a drink at Liverpool’s Peaky Blinders themed pub!