Sherlock Holmes Drehort-Tour in London
Spielen Sie Detektiv und suchen Sie die Wahrheit auf der Sherlock Holmes Drehort-Tour in London. Folgen Sie Ihre innere Spürnase und verfolgen Sie Holmes durch die Straßen, die er sein Zuhause nennt.
Von dem Moment an, als Sir Arthur Conan Doyle zum ersten Mal über ihn schrieb, war Sherlock Holmes eng mit London verbunden. Jetzt können Sie alle Drehorte besuchen und kennenlernen, die diesen Charakter zu einem Symbol machen.
Ab €300 pro Gruppe
With the Sherlock Holmes London Locations Tour, a local guide will lead you around the streets of London. Through extensive investigating, they are able to bring you to all of the important Sherlock Holmes locations throughout the city. Sites on the tour include:
221b Baker Street – No Sherlock Holmes tour would be complete without a visit to his home address. Here you will also find the Sherlock Holmes Museum. This is the home to many of the memorabilia connected with the books and screen adaptations. It’s also the perfect place to pick up some souvenirs!
New Scotland Yard – Any fan of the Sherlock TV series, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, will be familiar with the exterior of this police headquarters.
St. Bart’s Hospital – The oldest standing hospital in England, this is where it all began. “A Study in Scarlet”, the first-ever Holmes story, describes the first meeting of Holmes and Watson outside of St. Bart’s. This scene was also recreated in the BBC TV series.
Strand Magazine HQ – While not a feature of the Holmes stories themselves, Strand Magazine plays an important role in the detective’s life. It was in this magazine that the first Sherlock Holmes stories were published, giving birth and eternal life to the character.
The Sherlock Holmes London Locations Tour has everything you need to track down one of the world’s most famous detectives. There’s something here for everyone, whether you are a fan of the books, TV shows, or movies. So what are you waiting for? Grab your pipe and deerstalker hat and book now! It’s elementary!