Die Super-Tour durch New York City

Nehmen Sie Die Super-Tour durch New York City und sehen Sie, wo Ihre Lieblings-Comic-Helden aus The Avengers, Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Jessica Jones und anderen die Welt gerettet haben. Dies ist ein einzigartiges Erlebnis für Comic-Liebhaber, jung und alt. Egal, ob Sie ein regelmäßiger Comic-Con-Fan oder ein Gelegenheitsfan sind, diese Tour bietet einen Blick hinter die Kulissen vieler der erstaunlichsten, fantastischsten und unglaublichsten Abenteuer auf der Leinwand und aus den Comics.

Auf dieser geführten Sightseeing-Bustour sehen Sie über 40 Orte in New York, die in Ihren Lieblingsserien und -filmen gezeigt werden. Das ganze bequem in einem Bus mit Klimaanlage im Sommer und Heizung im Winter. Ziehen Sie also Ihren Umhang an und schnappen Sie sich Ihren Schild, während Ihr Reiseleiter Sie durch die am meisten gefilmte Stadt der Welt führt.

Buchungen für diese Tour werden nicht erstattet und können nicht storniert oder verschoben werden.

Ab 60 pro Person

Covid-19 Sicherheitsmaßnahmen

Your safety is our top priority!

Although there are no known cases of illnesses at On Location Tours, we are responsible for keeping an active stance in preventing the spread of any diseases.

We are following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention along with Federal and State guidelines on stopping the spread. If you are feeling unwell, we kindly ask that you stay home for the safety of all customers and staff attending the tour.

Customer & Staff Protection

The daily washing and disinfecting of our vehicles encompassing the exterior and interior is standard operating procedure to ensure customers feel safe and secure.

  • All high touch areas are wiped clean and disinfected including headrests, armrests, grab handles, luggage compartments, railings, windows, and window sills.
  • The cabin floors are swept and mopped thoroughly, and the restroom is wiped down and disinfected.
  • An air-borne germ-eliminating spray is administered inside our vehicles.
  • Advanced hand sanitizer that kills more than 99.99% of common germs is provided to all customers.
  • Our buses are equipped with upgraded filtration systems, a driver partition screen, and an electrostatic disinfectant fogging system that is FDA and EPA approved.



  • FLIEGE zum Daily News-Gebäude in Superman
  • SCHWINGEN Sie sich zum Flatiron-Gebäude aus den Spider-Man-Filmen
  • SEHE, wo die Schlacht von New York in Marvel’s The Avengers stattfand
  • FINDE die New Yorker Börse, an der Batman gegen Bane in The Dark Knight Rises kämpft
  • ENTDECKE Drehorte aus The Defenders, Jessica Jones, Daredevil und Iron Fist
  • WERFE einen Blick auf den Ort, wo Onkel Ben Peter Parker in Spider-Man sein berühmtes Schlagwort gibt
  • RETTE New York City an der Freiheitsstatue und der Staten Island-Fähre wie gesehen in X-Men und Spider-Man: Homecoming



Midtown Manhattan

The adventure begins in the heart of New York City, Times Square. See where Spider-Man saves Mary Jane Watson in Spider-Man and where he battles Electro in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Recognize Stan Lee in one of his infamous cameos in Spider-Man 3. Marvel at the spot where Captain America discovers that he is in the present day in Captain America: The First Avenger and where The Incredible Hulk runs loose in The Incredible Hulk TV series!

42nd Street

Don’t miss the chance to take a drive down one of the most famous streets in the world and New York City. The 42nd street plays a pivotal role in some of your favorite TV shows and movies! See Hogarth’s office featured in Jessica Jones and Iron Fist.

Pass by the New York Public Library where Uncle Ben gives his famous piece of advice to Peter Parker in Spider-Man. Discover where the fictional Baxter Building resides in Fantastic Four. Be amazed by Grand Central Station, home to Lex Luthor’s lair in Superman: The Movie.

Daily Planet Building
Daily Planet Building

Stop at the New York Daily News, the location of the Daily Planet in Superman: The Movie and get a peek at the Chrysler Building where Thor summons the power of Mjölnir in The Avengers and the Silver Surfer makes an escape in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Say hello to Norman Osborne’s home from the Spider-Man movies and spot the United Nations Headquarters from Superman: The Movie.

Park Avenue

One of the busiest streets in New York City is home to comic book history both on and off screen! Fly past where Batman was created, see where Doctor Strange and Mordo battle Kaecilius in the mind-bending Doctor Strange and where the Battle of New York featuring Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow and the Incredible Hulk took place in The Avengers.

Flatiron District and Union Square

The journey continues as you see the iconic Empire State Building, used in Spider-Man and Superman: The Movie. Hop off and take a photo in front of the Flatiron Building and Madison Square Park, home to the Daily Bugle from the Spider-Man movies. Swing by where Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy go on a date in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and where Jessica Jones investigates a shady suspect in Jessica Jones.

Lower East Side/Chinatown

You’ll drive through two of NYC’s most unique and cultured neighborhoods. Moving through the Lower East Side, see where Doc Ock’s laboratory is in Spider-Man 2 and where Peter Parker lives in Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3. Drive through Chinatown where Danny Rand fights for his life in Iron Fist.

City Hall/Financial District

See the historical buildings of the Financial District where Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson and Jeri Hogarth defend their clients in court in Daredevil and Jessica Jones. Spot Bruce Wayne in front of the New York County Surrogate Court in Batman Forever and where Batman has his climactic fight with Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. Discover where Danny Rand meets Colleen Wing in Iron Fist and where the Gotham City Police Department is in Gotham.

Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty

End your journey with Die Super-Tour durch New York City at Lady Liberty herself, seen in X-Men and Superman: The Movie. You’ll have the opportunity to take photos, grab a bite, and marvel at the greatest city in the world. After the tour, hop on the Staten Island Ferry which Spider-Man tries to hold together in Spider-Man: Homecoming or visit Ellis Island, a historic landmark used in X-Men. Up, up, and away!

* In an effort to stay current, we are constantly updating our tours with new locations and cannot guarantee the presence of locations mentioned on our site. If you have a particular interest in locations from a specific TV show or movie, please let your tour guide know and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Drehorte (1)