Jack The Ripper-Rundgang durch London

Besuchen Sie die Straßen eines echten Krimis auf dem Jack The Ripper-Rundgang durch London. Folgen Sie den Verbrechen von Saucy Jack und sammeln Sie dabei Spuren und Theorien.

Jack the Ripper ist der Name eines der berüchtigtsten Kriminellen in der Geschichte Londons. Der unbekannte Mörder hat im Laufe der Jahre die Fantasie vieler Theoretiker und Forscher beflügelt. Seine dunklen Eigenschaften haben ihn auch zum Inbegriff des Bösewichts gemacht, der in vielen fiktiven Werken vorkommt. Jetzt haben Sie die Möglichkeit, mehr über seine schrecklichen Verbrechen zu erfahren, und vielleicht sogar zu versuchen, sein Rätsel zu lösen.

From 21 per person

Tour map


  • Gehen Sie entlang der gleichen Straßen wie die Opfer von Jack the Ripper und erkunden Sie die dunklen Passagen und Gassen, die sie heute noch erkennen würden
  • Besuchen Sie die tatsächlichen Orte, wo die Opfer von Jack the Ripper ermordet wurden
  • Erfahren Sie mehr über die tatsächlichen und vermeintlichen Spuren auf die Goulston Street
  • Sehen und hören Sie dokumentarische Beweise für die Morde mit Hilfe von Bildern und Briefen
  • Seien Sie schockiert und verängstigt über die Verbrechen von Jack the Ripper

Tour details

Full description

Jack The Ripper London Walking Tour
Jack The Ripper London Walking Tour

Visit the scenes of Ripper’s gruesome murders!

There are many shared characteristics between Jack the Ripper’s victims and the ways in which they were killed. These women were generally suffocated and sliced at the throat. Their bodies were also mutilated, with organs and body parts sometimes being removed too. This was the case for the first known Ripper victim, Mary Ann Nichols. She was killed on 31 August 1888 on Durward Street in Whitechapel. When she was found, the doctor noted that while the body was mutilated, there was very little blood.

This information led police at the time to believe that their suspect was someone familiar with anatomy. Possibly a doctor or a butcher. The suspicions were supported further on the finding of Annie Chapman. Left dead in the backyard off of Hanbury Street, reports claim that the woman’s womb had been removed.

See the sites connected with the night of 30 September 1888

This was the night that Saucy Jack killed twice. His first victim was Elizabeth Stride on Henriques Street. She was found with blood still running from her neck. It is believed that her murder was interrupted and the killer fled the scene.

Later that night, Catherine Eddowes also met her demise. She was found along Mitre Street, missing her uterus and her left kidney. Nearby Goulston Street also plays a significant role in this night’s events. Here police found a blood-stained piece of Eddowes‘ apron. This is seen as one of the most important clues from the whole investigation. In the same location, police also found some graffiti that may or may not have been left by the killer. It will be left up to you to decide its importance.

Jack The Ripper London Walking Tour
Jack The Ripper London Walking Tour

Finally, the tour will bring you to White’s Row. Here your guide will show you where Mary Jane Kelly, supposedly Jack the Ripper’s final victim, was killed. She was found in her bed, with her body skinned to the bone. Because Kelly was younger than the rest of the Ripper victims, some believe that she may have been murdered by a copycat.

To help you piece the mystery together, your expert guide will provide you with photos and letters connected with the case throughout the tour. They’ll even give you information about the main suspects and why police thought they might be the secret killer. From princes to cotton merchants, it will be up to you to decide who you think the real Jack might be.

Locations (1)

1. Treffpunkt: City of London Police, 182 Bishopsgate

Treffen Sie Ihren Guide 10 Minuten vor der Tour links vom Eingang der City of London Police, 182 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4NP (Verlassen Sie die Liverpool Street Station durch den Ausgang Bishopsgate West und Sie werden die Polizeistation auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite sehen).

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