Gavin & Stacey Drehorttour

Erleben Sie eine moderne Liebesgeschichte auf der Gavin & Stacey Drehorttour und erkunden Sie, was in Stacey Wests Heimatstadt Barry Island passiert.

Gavin & Stacey erzählt die Geschichte wahrer Romantik und wie sie keine Grenzen kennt. Es folgt den Weg zweier junger Liebhaber, die Entfernung, kulturelle Unterschiede und Mautbrücken überwinden, um den Wünschen ihres Herzens zu folgen. Jetzt können Sie die Orte sehen, an denen alles passiert ist, und einen Ausflug ans Meer genießen, während Sie gerade dabei sind!

Ab 39 pro Person


  • Sehen Sie Gwen und Staceys Haus und wo Nessa Smithy einen Antrag macht
  • Gehen Sie in die Kirche, in der Neil getauft wird und in der Vanessa "Shanessa" Jenkins Dave Coaches fast heiratet
  • Gewinnen Sie einen kleinen Preis bei unserem Gavin & Stacey Quiz!
  • Sehen Sie, wo Nessa als Pantomime arbeitet
  • Halten Sie am Wohnwagenplatz an, wo Nessa und Dave mit Neil, dem Baby, leben



See all of the Barry Island filming locations on this mini coach tour!

While it isn’t Dave’s Coaches, you’ll be escorted the seaside town by an expert tour guide. They will be able to show you all of the memorable sites and settings, and even tell you some tales from behind the scenes. And, to make sure the fun never stops, they’ll also quiz you on your Gavin and Stacey knowledge. Make sure to do your research too, because there’s a prize at the end for the winner!

You’ll get to see all the famous locations. Like the street where Gwen and Bryn live. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to get a quick omelette to go, but you can definitely grab a snack at Marco’s Coffee and Ice Cream Bar. You might recognise this as the cafe where Stacey worked.

The Gavin and Stacey Locations Tour also makes a stop at the local church. This is the setting for many of the show’s biggest events, like Neil’s christening and Nessa’s wedding. You’ll also get to visit the caravan where Nessa and Dave lived. This was also the base of operations for Nessa’s fortune-telling business.

Gavin and Stacey Tour / Barry Island Seafront
Gavin and Stacey Tour / Barry Island Seafront

There are many locations by the Barry seafront too!

You’ll get to see the town square where Nessa tries to make money as a living statue. And the spot along the promenade where she sets up her Santa’s grotto in the Christmas special. This is also the pick-up/drop-off point for Dave’s Coaches.

Also along the promenade, you’ll visit the Island Leisure Amusement Centre. This is yet another of Nessa’s workplaces. You’ll even have the chance to sit in her chair, and maybe even sing a verse of Islands in the Stream!

Finally, you can enjoy some ice cream, or even a Smithy-sized portion of fish and chips, and gaze out over the sea. Just like the four main characters did at the end of the TV series‘ finale. Tidy!